Sunday, November 4, 2012

Random Collage of Pictures

 Okay, so here are a bunch of events that have happened over the
last couple months. There are a lot of pictures so watch out…

                                                                              Above is a BYU football game. We got amazing seats to                      this game! Right on the field basically! Below is a random get-away trip we took to Las Vegas.

 My brother n' law James got married in August. This is my new sister n' law Careissa. They are
awesome! The two pictures in the tree below are of James and Peter. After their wedding dinner, outside
of the restaurant, Peter decided to climb an apricot tree and pick them. he made me get a bag and 
try to catch the apricots that he threw down at me. It was funny. So, with those apricots and with some
raspberries we made homemade jam with Pete's grandma!

 Of course we went hiking!

 When T's new baby arrived, baby Riley, Pete and I surprised her at the hospital in Idaho! Check out 
Gauge the man in his suit! Looking classy!

I have been SO extremely busy with school lately (I am in the Elementary Education program!)
but it makes it a little easier to go to school when campus looks like this...
 And here are the random pictures... On the left is the baggage claim at the airport. Yes, that is a pair
of rolled up tighty whiteys! On their own! I think I almost died. Awesome. And Pete and I ran into 
Jazz player Devin Harris  at the airport! See his ipod headphones? Ya, I got caught in
those cords as I tried to walk away...awkward...

Have you heard of the FaceJuggler app? It will bring so much joy into your life. Here is
Pecca and Beter. We are ugly.

Who watched last season of the bachelorette? Well, the winner Jef (with one f. Peter calls it a "soft f") 
lives in Utah and we saw him on the freeway! Needless to say I embarrassed myself on so many
levels. In front of Jef, Peter, and Peter's mom who was also in the car. It was a moment 
of weakness...
 Last but not least. The new addition to our family! Pete's motorcycle. This little beauty has 
taken us on some pretty fun adventures. I even learned out to drive it the other day!
All by myself! Well, almost. Pete had to sit behind me because when we stopped I 
couldn't reach the ground with my feet...

Projects Around The House

I have been doing lots of projects around the house
lately to make our house more like a home. I  
have even been decorating for the holidays!
Here are some of my projects…

Peter and I made this headboard and I made
all the throw pillows too! It was my
first time sewing something for real! 
I re-did this dresser, chair, and picture frame. All from a thrift store!

 I got both these side tables at the thrift store as well
and did them the same color. Can you see my cute
leaf I framed for fall?

 I made this centerpiece for my kitchen table
and this wreath for my door for Thanksgiving!
I love how they turned out! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Next Week...

I get to marry Peter next week....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Look what I found while writing a paper for my business class.. Peter thought he could be sneaky and that i wouldn't notice...

"I like to poop. Pooping is very beneficial to the economy. The sewage treatment industry is a $30 billion per year American icon. Just imagine, 300 million Americans, each pooping once a day! That adds up to a lot of poop. My fiancé Peter is cute. He also poops. But it doesn’t stink too bad. Only his toots do."

Oh, what to do with this boy? I guess I can't trust leaving

my laptop out while in mid-paper

Mrs. Madsen??

Now that it is November I can officially say

that Peter and I are getting married NEXT MONTH!

crazy huh? I still can’t believe

I am getting married and going to be a wife

starting next month. I still feel like I am

an immature teenager in high school…especially when I am with Peter…

I am getting excited!!

Catching Up

First off, Peter and I got our wedding registry done and I

thought I would document it. I took only a couple

Pictures though. Not very good ones but here you go…

T and Rick came this last weekend to visit us!

It was so fun to get to play with them. We went to

Salt Lake City for the day

because T had never been here! It was freezing

but we walked all the way around Temple

Square. I hope they come back soon :)