Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Look what I found while writing a paper for my business class.. Peter thought he could be sneaky and that i wouldn't notice...

"I like to poop. Pooping is very beneficial to the economy. The sewage treatment industry is a $30 billion per year American icon. Just imagine, 300 million Americans, each pooping once a day! That adds up to a lot of poop. My fiancé Peter is cute. He also poops. But it doesn’t stink too bad. Only his toots do."

Oh, what to do with this boy? I guess I can't trust leaving

my laptop out while in mid-paper

Mrs. Madsen??

Now that it is November I can officially say

that Peter and I are getting married NEXT MONTH!

crazy huh? I still can’t believe

I am getting married and going to be a wife

starting next month. I still feel like I am

an immature teenager in high school…especially when I am with Peter…

I am getting excited!!

Catching Up

First off, Peter and I got our wedding registry done and I

thought I would document it. I took only a couple

Pictures though. Not very good ones but here you go…

T and Rick came this last weekend to visit us!

It was so fun to get to play with them. We went to

Salt Lake City for the day

because T had never been here! It was freezing

but we walked all the way around Temple

Square. I hope they come back soon :)