Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's Been Going Down You Ask?

Well my blogger friends I have been quite busy! First of all, I went to Colorado to visit my sister amanda for a couple days (no pictures from that yet) Then off to New Jersey to visit sis Cassie and the boys. While there we went to NY, PA (lancaster, hershey, and big Phili) I had so much fun! Then I got home, aside from being so busy with school and work, went to the midnight showing of my long awaited movie Twilight!! It was one of the highlights of my life, yes im a freak. I had so much from hanging out with my best girlies there. Oh ya, i saw it again at 3pm the same day...Finally, I took my papa skydiving for his 45th B-day yesterday! He had the time of his life! Thats my life update!

nu=3248>59;>2<9>WSNRCG=3233:;:554528nu0mrj.jpg"> Atlantic City/Pacific Ocean! Freezing..

Picking Pumpkins

New York!

Independance Hall

Hershey, PA... I love chocolate!

Central Park

Sorry, no pictures yet of Dad's skydiving think of it, I never put my skydiving pictures up!


MommyMert said...

Awesome little life you have going on there girly. Glad you are happy and living it up! :)

starkmom said...

UMMM it's the atlantic ocean not the pacific ocean.I'm still jealous of your trip...

Willi Nixon said...

bacon i want us to go to new york together

joslyn marie said...

hey becca! Hey.. our blog is private. Give me your email and ill invite you. your blog is so cute. i miss seeing you around!

Amanda Stark said...

I was just going to say what mom said. The Atlantic Ocean is in Atlantic City. ha ha. I posted the pictures from our trip. And it only took me 2 months!